Information For Reviewers

Peer review has two key functions:
- To act as a filter and determine the validity, significance and originality of the work to ensure only good research is published.
- To improve the quality of research submitted for publication by giving reviewers the opportunity to suggest improvements.

Articles that are submitted to the journal are reviewed either by Editorial Board members or by external highly qualified researchers. Reviewers are appointed by the Journal Editor for every peer-review process. The contact with the reviewers are managed by the Editor-in-Chief of the journal.

If you have been asked to review a paper, please visit the following Ethical Guidelines web page for instruction.

How to become a reviewer?

Researchers that are interested to apply for reviewers for the journal are kindly asked to submit their application by e-mail to:

with attached a detailed and updated CV specifying their personal data (first name, last name, Title/Academic degree), the affiliation to scientific institute or organization, the research areas of expertize and a resume of their scientific publication.

Accepted candidates will be then registered in the website of the journal as reviewer by the journal manager.

The choice of whether or not to choose a particular reviewer for a paper is entirely in charge to the editor: no role is played by the Publisher in this decision.

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