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Enhancing BER Performance in WiMAX with Finite Radon Transform-Based OFDM Architectures

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The Finite Radon Transform (FRAT) has been discussed and defined for 2-D images in many research papers. This paper explores the application of FRAT in assessing the Bit Error Rate (BER) performance of an OFDM-based WiMAX system, comparing it with the M-QAM mapper. MATLAB/Simulink simulations are conducted using the realistic time-variant Code Division Testbed (CODIT channel model). To obtain the desired number of data symbols, combinations of FRAT blocks with different sizes are employed. Low and high-sized matrices are suggested for WiMAX parameters to evaluate BER performance. Results indicate that the FRAT mapper with a smaller input matrix size exhibits improved performance and requires fewer mathematical operations than higher-order matrices. The BER performance of lower-order matrices is comparable to that of QPSK and 16QAM mapping techniques. For all scenarios, (AWGN, Fixed and Mobile communication) the BPSK and the QPSK mapping techniques show the best BER performance between all types of mapping used in this research. They need less than 12 dB to obtain 10-5 BER while transmitting using AWGN and Fixed communication in urban channels. In comparison of the same scenario for the FRAT technique, G1-G5 show better performance than those of G6-G10 where @ SNR of 36 dB, the BER for G1-G5 is about 3×10-4 and for G6-G10 about 2×10-3.
Copyright © 2024 Praise Worthy Prize - All rights reserved.


Finite Radon Transform; FRAT; M-Ary Mapping; Radon; OFDM; CODIT

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